Navigation Rules
└How to Get


Sets the type for ragdolls on players and zombies you kill

Usage: /ragdoll <normal/freeze/bronze/silver/gold>


Automatically deletes items when you pick them up. This command is available to everyone, but donator's filters save between sessions. Run the command ingame to see syntax


Refills the generator you're looking at or the car you're in


Deposits items from your inventory into the storage you are looking at.

Usage: /drop "filter"


■ /drop 363 17 6

■ /drop "lynx mag" "grizzly mag"

■ /drop structure


Reorganizes your ENTIRE INVENTORY. Use with caution because it might cause you to drop items on the ground.


Works the same as /Organize but on the storage you are looking at


Equips the first item in your inventory based off the name or id

Usage: /equip "name or id"

Example: /equip carjack

Silveport Logo and flag designed by cynik (discord @78x)